Sofia Lose
It would make me happy if it was reduced to 1 hour, and the Sunday meeting too, and the big assembly 2 days, 10 am to 3 pm. Enough!
Would you stay?
yesterday i was with a group of brothers that wanted my advice on re-roofing a home.
three of them were ministerial servants.
all of them are from the spanish congregation.
Sofia Lose
It would make me happy if it was reduced to 1 hour, and the Sunday meeting too, and the big assembly 2 days, 10 am to 3 pm. Enough!
Would you stay?
absolutely nothing.... has anyone dared ask what they need this place for?
think about a few things.
in bethels hay day, there was a shit ton of literature being printed, they even need a giant factory with elevators a truck could fit in.
He was belly-aching about the whole trip as every commercial movie they attempted to play some JW with a weak conscious pointed out something in the movies that might have been a cause for stumbling and forced their opinions on everyone in the group.
Ha Ha, never go on a trip with a bunch of witnesses especially pioneers
yesterday i was with a group of brothers that wanted my advice on re-roofing a home.
three of them were ministerial servants.
all of them are from the spanish congregation.
Has anyone ever spent time watching Latino t.v.?
In my area the idea is still the romantic muscular He-man or He-mans that come and fight for the girl and the winner takes the girl and rides into the sunset and lives happily ever after. Actually in the last hall I attended, I switch to the Spanish before I faded and the Spanish brothers and sisters did look like this;
I'm not kidding.
yesterday i was with a group of brothers that wanted my advice on re-roofing a home.
three of them were ministerial servants.
all of them are from the spanish congregation.
P.S.: Just curious.. being a JW in a Spanish congregation for over 10 years, I can tell you that we make a strong point out of Acts 4:13. We basically praise people for being uneducated rather than remarking that Acts 4:13 is meant to show that the holy spirit was acting upon the people. Is this the same in the English JW?
Yes it’s the same in the English. The GB’s directions to avoid College affects the English as well. So they praise those that stay uneducated and demonize those that go to a University.
Unless it’s the University of Phoenix then it’s ok.
yesterday i was with a group of brothers that wanted my advice on re-roofing a home.
three of them were ministerial servants.
all of them are from the spanish congregation.
I am also impressed ( I probably should not be but can't help it) on how little information there is about TTATT in Spanish.
The Spanish JWs are less-inviting to any organization-opposing information. I find I have to be real careful with the way I speak to them. When I say something contrary to the organization and I see their pupils starting to dilate, I immediately excuse my “Spanish speaking” as not very proficient. Their eyes go back to normal and they excuse what I say. They are more hard core in my opinion.
I wonder who had more success in waking up to TTATT, English JWs or Spanish JWs?
rumor has it 1600 people are going to be re-allocated to the field from bethel (which i assume refers to the brooklyn complex?).
does anyone know how many people will then remain?
i have tried to find figures for the number of employed people but i am coming up with nothing.
I am becoming more and more convinced it might make sense to create some sort of WT-timeline wikipedia which track key stats and events in the WT history for instance sorted as: doctrinal changes, printing statistics and reduction in staff.
yesterday i was with a group of brothers that wanted my advice on re-roofing a home.
three of them were ministerial servants.
all of them are from the spanish congregation.
I think the school will just be changing. Because in the letter they used the words "student" I am hesitant to say they are throwing the school away, at least in their perception.
it's still kind of vague what actually is going to happen with the
school. I hope they do away with it because I'm planting seeds
yesterday i was with a group of brothers that wanted my advice on re-roofing a home.
three of them were ministerial servants.
all of them are from the spanish congregation.
Yesterday I was with a group of brothers that wanted my advice on re-roofing a home. Three of them were ministerial servants. All of them are from the Spanish Congregation. After we finished talking business, they asked me why I stopped going to the meetings.
I related all the changes in the organization that I was not comfortable with. They asked, like what? So I elaborated and afterwards expressed strongly how I felt that the preaching work is fading into the sunset. That It’s not their first priority anymore.
I told them that I wouldn’t be surprised if they did away with the Theocratic Ministry School very soon.
Well they went into hysteria, facial and hand gestures were out of control (The Spanish are kind of emotional, at least more than the English brothers) And they are always behind on any WT news because they still haven’t heard that news about the end of the T. school.
Some of the comments were;
“No Brother, that will never happen”
“Brother, that is the only way new ones are trained to speak”
“Brother when that happens, the preaching work stops because Armageddon will be here”
I didn’t tell them the end of the T. School was a sure thing, I just said, “I wouldn’t be surprised if they did away with it soon”
Man I hope that letter about the end of the Theocratic School was true.
since the move, it has been so enjoyable to not have jw's breathing down our necks asking why we didn't make the meeting, or having to pretend to be "spiritual" in front of family all the time.. 90% of my week is virtually stress free.
then, my mom calls or texts wanting to talk to her grandkids.
every dang call, she asks about the new congregation, if we went to the meeting, etc.. why can't i tell her to fk off?
Set up your phone with a recording that says;
"The Network is down, please try your call later"
Then send her a letter saying that she will have to write if she wants to communicate because the phone in your area has lots of problems with out of town calls.
Letter writing takes long and will limit her.
my mom especially had some go-to phrases that to this day echo in my head and piss me off.
things like, .
"don't get mad at me for enforcing the rules, because jehovah made them, so if you don't like it, you're disrespecting him.
"The worst Jehovah's Witness is better than the best worldly person."